Trending Places in OpenStreetMap


Project maintained by geometalab Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

See Twitter Account

About Project "Trending Places in OpenStreetMap"

Trending places aka OSM place trends, inspired by Google Trends, is an analysis of the views on the OSM tiles which could help us determine the trends in views of these places i.e. which places are gaining popularity due a hike in views and try to link them with the latest news around that region.

What is a Trending Place?

Places that have unusually higher views than their normal views, implying that places like tourist hot spots are not trending unless there is an increase in the number of views from the average.

How significant is a trend?

Once the 'trending' places or the places with a significant relative hike in views are determined, they need to be ranked relative to each other as well.

Anonymization of tile logs

The tile log views of the slippy map of OpenStreetMap (OSM) are logged and published daily with a lag of 2 days. The log never contains less than 10 hits for any given tile and it is accessed at least 10 times by 3 different IP Addresses The pseudo-code for this anonymization as provided by Matt Amos (OSM) is as follows:

for each line in all the logs { z, x, y = extract coordinate from line ip = extract source IP address from line counter[z, x, y] += 1 source_addresses[z, x, y].append(ip) } for each (z, x, y) key in counter { if counter[z, x, y] >= 10 { if count_unique(source_addresses[z, x, y]) >= 3 { print z, x, y, counter[z, x, y] } } }


Example of Positive Result

Fort McMurray, Canada was a victim of wildfire in the beginning of May 2016. It appeared on the Trending places on 4th May, 2016.

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Fig. shows the Twitte bot tweet on 4th May, 2016 with the attached graph for the Top 10 trending places and the status text. Due to a limit on the length of tweet the names of all Trending places are not tweeted and Ellipsis is appended after the word limit is reached. However, all names can be seen on the graph. Places with names in non english characters are replace with the lat and lon values and country code.

More about the code

Authors and Contributors